

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    ๋Just some story from some person

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : Just some pressure we all have in life

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 29 พ.ย. 63

    People always start with the question “What” I do not know why they can't start the question with “Why”. I think it is a good way to start the thinking process you know. 

    Why the trees are green?

    Why the trees look so peaceful?

    Why the trees don't have to worry about not getting water or about to get cut down?

    Why the trees can't talk?

    Why can't I be trees.

    Why can't I be me?

    Why they have to put all these thoughts on me? 

    Why they want me to be the way they want me to be? 

    Why I cannot be the way I want to be? 

    All these question always run in my head all the time through out my life. It's been a while since I wrote something in this account. I even forget about this account. I came back the other day and saw some people reading and commenting my story. More question coming through my head. 

    Why don't I write more?

    Why don't I care about the people that read my story?

    Why can't I keep updating my account?

    Why did I put so much pressure on myself?


    Pressure is like a weapon. It can hurt you and it can push you. Hurt in terms of mentally. Push in terms of motivation. When there is something pressure you, it will take your dreams away. I always think back in my life. I have so many dream that I want to do.

    I want to be a doctor so I can save people from dying. So I can save my own father.

    I want to be a police so I can stop seeing people from doing bad things. So I can stop people from bully each other

    I want to be a psychologist so I can understand other people feeling more. So I can stop myself from taking every thoughts too much.

    I want to be an entrepreneur so I can make a lot of money. So I can tell my mom to stop working so hard.

    There are so many things I wanted to do, but what happen to myself now. I studying in hotel and resort management with no motivation at all. I'm writing this story even though I am about to have a final exam next week. I have to go on internship but I still don't know who to work for.

    What happen to the dream I have before? I don't even know. Maybe because I got so much pressure from the environment. Maybe my mother pressure me to not study the psychology because it is hard. Maybe it is myself that always think ahead that I am not gonna survive before I even try.

    I might not be in the position to give advice. I am not having a lot of experience in life like the other successor like Bill Gates, Steve Job, etc. But it is nice to do things that you wanted to do sometimes. Pressure needs to be release. Do thing outside of the box help me get through my school life. Help me stop the pressure from stabbing me. Help me stop myself from pressuring myself.




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