

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    ๋Just some story from some person

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Just some random Piano guy

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 29 พ.ย. 63

                The world without color, without happiness, without music, without love. Everything filled with black and white. 

    People go to work like usual, like yesterday, like everyday. They work. They sleep. They eat. Like this everyday in a cycle. 

    Can someone just please color some of these trees, at least let me see the green, the brown, the hope. I lost hope, lost the way of living. 

    But what is that song. It was, peace. I followed the marvelous song to the park. There was some random guy and some random piano. 

    People look at him weird. 

    Why is he here? 

    Why is he doing something different? 

    Why is he not one of us? 

    Many question from around the piano guy. I walk toward the guy. 

    “Why are you doing this?” I asked. 

    “I know you are thinking the same” He replied “There is a guitar over there if you want to join”. 

    For some reason I grab the guitar and start playing it with him. 

    People are now looking at me weird. 

    Why is he here? 

    Why is he doing something different? 

    Why is he not one of us? 

    It doesn’t matter now. I played with him for a while, but then I saw something different around me. 

    The color start to show. 

    The brown color of my guitar. 

    The brown and white color from the piano. 

    The green from the grass I was standing on. 

    People gather more now. They have a different type of instrument. Now I see more color. 

    The color of the trees.

     The color of the bench. 

    The color of myself. 

    People gather more. 

    The color of the building. 

    The color of the car. 

    The color of the sky. 

    “Sometimes you don’t have to wait for someone to color the surrounding. You can just color it yourself” T

    hat was the last sentence I heard before the police shot all of us. Then the color turn back to black and white, lifeless, no hope. 

    “You all are doing something different. That is mean you all are terrorist” said the sheriff. 

    I look at my shot wound and look at the piano guy. He is gone. Is this what social do to us for not doing what they want? Is this what we deserved?

     “No one can understand the goods, only the bad they see.” I said with my last strength. 

    “At least the song was great”


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