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    [บทย่อ นิยายแปล ภาษาอังกฤษ] Tonhon Chonlatee (ต้นหนชลธี by นทกร)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #7 : Ch07 - TonHonChonlatee

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 3.96K
      22 ส.ค. 63

    TonHonChonlatee - Chapter 07 (Snippet by JayBL)


    It was the moving day. Nam drove her big truck packed with Chon's stuff except for his "Doll army" and his pink car because he's staying at Ton's place and Ton suggested he would give Chon a ride and Chon could borrow his car sometime. At the apartment, Ton and Tai (Ton's mom) were waiting for Chon and Nam there.


    They carried Chon's stuff to room 505, which was Ton's room. Nam and Tai teased both of them that the room so stank of love and together left their kids alone.


    Chon sent Gam some short messages.


    [I'm at Ton's place.]


    [What are you guys doing?]


    [He's playing some games and I'm laying on the bed chatting with you.]


    [What? No! You have to flirt with him as we planned. Remember?]


    [He doesn't pay attention to anything except games.]


    [Take your glasses off and move closer to him. Ask him about games. Make him forgot to breathe, blush, or whatever that shows he loves you.]


    [Where do you get these ideas from?]


    [BL Novels. Come on. Do it. And let me know how it goes.]


    Chon did as Gam suggested. He moved closer to Ton, but Ton complained Chon was blocking the monitor and pushed Chon away.


    [I give up. He pushed my head away from the monitor.]


    [The war hasn't finished yet. Don't start counting the dead bodies.]


    [Enough. I lost.]


    Ton closed the game because the game was over after Chon blocked his view so he lost.


    "I lost because of you, Chon. Are you hungry? Let's find something to eat. But my friends want to join as your FC (Fanclub)"




    "Yes, and Ai as well. They are like carrots and peas."


    "No problem."


    Ton let Chon drive his long car. It was difficult but Chon got used to it eventually. They stopped at a small restaurant and cafe. Ai was there. He parked his BMW over two parking spots. Chon said he remembered Nai from Facebook and he looks always happy. Chon realized that all of them are tall guys. Ton said Chon is not short. Just "tiny." And Chon thinks that's a very cute compliment. Ton asked while they were walking to a table.


    "Chon. What do you think about gays?"


    Chon was surprised and thought Ton knew about his secret. But then he added that Ai and Nai are boyfriends. Chon couldn't believe it because they both are handsome men. Chon said he's ok about it and asked Ton back. Ton said.


    "I don't care. Gender is not a problem, as long as they are in love."


    "Have you ever had a feeling for a guy?"


    "No. I still love girls."


    "Right... I shouldn't ask."


    Chon gave Ton a dry laugh and smiled at two new friends. Ton said...


    "Why did you ask? Don't worry. If you think I will because I keep asking you to sleep with me, then I'm telling you that I will never think of you in that way. Never!"


    Chon felt like he got a big punch on his face with that strong confirmation.  While Nai shouted out to Ton before they arrived at the table. Nai said.


    "Finally... Finally... Finally, I meet you, Chon. My name is Chen Nai. And here is Mister Aiyaret. Or you can call him Ai. He's quite introverted especially with a stranger, but he's so much nicer than Ton. Poor you. You have to forgive him a lot. Even though he has a big body, his brain size is like the size of a green pea."


    Nai kept talking and talking. Teasing and teasing. Even Chon felt like Nai is quite a talkative guy.


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