

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Fallen Deep

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 :

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 17
      21 ส.ค. 63




         Everyone has at least one night that will change their lives forever, whether if it’s winning the lottery, or meeting your favorite actor/singer, or even getting drunk and sleeping with a complete stranger. 


      I had a one-night stand with another man, but before we go forward let me explain how it happened. 

    The day before, 

    In the art class just finishing my test and it took all my sanity to finish good thing classes ended early. After testing for most of the day I was free to go home and sleep, preferably the rest of the week away.


    “Wit,” Mo yelled “where are you going?” he huffed running toward me, his shaggy looking hair and skinny limps wobbling like a duck. Shaking my head as I stuffed my bag.


    “Home, I need sleep,” said throwing my bag over my shoulder. I’ve spent the last ten days binge studying, I was exhausted!


    “No man!” he wine, holding my arm, waving it side to side trying to get me to change my mind.

     “We need to go out and get trashed and live a little…”


     “You, my friend will NOT be a virgin by the end of the night.” He laughed hanging off my shoulder; I do not know what the deal was about it, but he keeps pressuring me and it was seriously pissing me off. 


     “Fucking ass… I’m not doing that shit.”  I kicked him and walked away, there is nothing worse than having sex with a girl you do not know, but to do it with a girl you do not have feelings for too. 


    “Come on… what’s wrong with fucking a chick to get rid of it?” rushing back to smack him on the back of the head. Smiling at him sitting on the floor whining. 


    “Stupid idiot… You know maybe I want to stay a virgin.” I raved walking away shaking my head, it was annoying as hell to know that girls didn’t even see me, let alone want to date me, I really don’t care about it anyways, studies and getting out of Maryland was my top priority.   

    After hitting the food market getting food, I headed to my apartment, the same old studio apartment as always. It was a good thing school provided this apartment while studying here.

     My apartment’s ridiculously small, but I’m the only one here though. With dark curtains on the windows, I had a desk with my laptop, game system, my tv hanging on the wall above the desk, a little kitchen nook by the balcony that overlooked the world, it paid off to be on the tenth floor. I turned my walk-in closet into a bedroom just a full-size bed with a red and gold bed set, a nightstand for my phone dock, and a book of the night. Sighing as I started to prepare dinner, it was actually kind of lonely to know I didn’t like going out and being social, but it’s what needs to done.

     Mo’s my best friend from elementary school along with Jerry, they are two peas in a pod. They have had more girls than I can count. 

     I have told them a few times; I will laugh if their dicks fall off. Shaking my head scrolling through Facebook as I wait for my food to finish cooking.


     Mo of course was streaming a live video of the party they were at, just as I was about to close the app. 


    “Wit,” he yelled with people laughing and dancing in the background, the music was loud enough to burst your eardrums.


     “I see you, come play man,” shaking my head turning my phone off. 




    Jumping at the sound of knocks on the door. 


    “Yes!” I mossy my way to open the door for Jerry, he was the only other person that could possibly be here, rolling my eyes walking away knowing he’ll follow.


            “Get dressed…” he ordered, arching my eyebrow to him, 


            “I’m not going,” I snapped.  “It’s stupid to get wasted for no reason.”


    Tired of the same shit all the time!


    “You’re going Wit…  School is almost over, and you will get a job soon.” I sat on the couch staring at him.


     “Just live a little before you settle down.” He said watching the words sink in, taking in his words. 


     “Look I am not telling you to fuck anyone, just come drink and have fun before your life is over.” His words hit just a bit, he arched his eyebrow to me knowing he won this fight, I huffed walking into the bedroom to change my clothes and get this over with. 



     Sitting in his car with my arms crossed, trying to act mad even though I wasn’t, I had to admit he was probably the only person that could ever talk me into going anywhere with him. Checking my appearance one last time before walking into the bar, black skinny jeans, with a white hoodie, my hair pulled back into a ponytail, all my piercings have studded no hoops today, even though I prefer the hoops more. 


    “You look, good man, come on” Jerry threw this arm over my shoulder pulling me into the place that had music booming through my head. 


    Walking up to the group Mo’s with, everyone was laughing and slamming drinks back, the bar smelled of strong liquor and smoke (weed) girls dancing on tables and guys playing pool. It was a very lively night.


    “Wit, God you’re out of your cage, Shit Jerry I don’t believe it,” smiling cause I knew Jerry and Mo had a bet that if I came Jerry would get money and of course Mo handed Jerry a fifty. Sitting down watching them make another bet, those two bets on everything. 


    “Here,” taking a shot, I’m not a lite weight, but I also not much of a drinker either, drinking water in between shots to keep me halfway sober. 


    Time was flying by I could feel myself loosening up more by the minute. 


    “Let’s play pool,” Mo shouts pulling me from my seat to the pool tables, three games of whipping Mo, Jerry, and Tommy’s asses. 


    They were so drunk standing looks like a sport to them.


    “Come on man, how can you be so good at this game if you never come out,” smiling at him, he’s so drunk he didn’t even notice he never shot any balls into the sockets. 


     “So, Wit can I ask something,” Tommy asked barely able to hold his head up.


    “Sure,” I needed to go home my words were beginning to blur.


    “Why are you reserved?” everyone at the table looked at me.


    “I mean is it religions or family stuff, sex is fun and helps relieve stress, why not try it?” Tommy’s words slurred to the point I barely understood him.

     “I’m not religious, and I don’t have any family left to have that issue, it’s just…” I could see everyone leaning more closer to me, I had already said too much might as well say it.


     “I just don’t want to have different partners, I want just one for the rest of my life, what wrong with that?” I snapped, shooting back four shots without water.


    Pissing me off half-drunk not good!


    “It’s ok man, we didn’t mean to intrude, I promise we will never bring it up again. 

    “Okay, lets drink,” holding up our drinks shooting them back.

     I drugged Jerry to the dance floor making him feel girly about dancing with me, Mo and Tommy jumped in laughing and stumbling. Mo swayed his hips as Tommy grinned against me. I was actually having fun I couldn’t remember the last time I had this much fun.

     Hours passed by between shots, darts, and kings’ game I was starting to feel my head ready to explode. 


     Jerry had his head down on the table along with the other three guys that were here when I arrived.


     Mo left and came back, but he’s currently in the bathroom with a girl. 


    Rubbing my head, I needed to go home and sleep it off, this is exactly why I don’t like going out I always overdo it. 


    “Jerry call me a cab,” looking over to him snoring, everyone was passed out on the table.


    “You’re Wit, right?” turning to the voice, it was Bash is a classmate from last year, we had gear class, he helped me with final testing. 


    “Oh, Hi Bash,” I haven’t seen him since school orientation, he’s a senior, he helped me to my feet. 


     Everything’s blurry and oddly enough I was feeling more confident than before. 

    Waking outside, the air hit me like a brick, failing to climb on the back of Bash’s bike, he hooked my helmet then he quickly jumped on and started the engine. 


    He took my hands tightly wrapping them around his waist. My body shivered!


    “I’ve never ridden on a bike before,” I could tell my conscious was running out.


     “It’s fun, hold on!” I could feel the heat of his body, my legs jiggle from the engine, I could feel myself becoming aroused for the first time in my life, I’ve never had a feeling like this before and with no anyone. 


    Whenever I got aroused, I would take a cold shower, I’ve never touched myself in that way.


    “Where do you live?” he turned his he to me, I caught his eyes gulping hard 


    Fuck I’m done for….


    “Cor…se tow…ers” my words shook hard as I tried to keep myself awake.


    “Cool, me too, I’m in room 16, what’s your room?” smiling at me, maybe because I squeezed his waist harder as he drove toward our apartment building. 


    “10” the breeze flew through my ponytail, my hoodie held what little warmth I had. I squealed like a girl when he whipped around the corner without warning, I actually enjoyed the ride, and his sent that mushy and woody smell it matches well with his towering size. 

    Pulling into the parking lot, the air seemed cooler than sitting on the bike. 


    “I’ll walk you up,” He said helping me off the bike, my legs were shaking.


     I stumbled to walk on the ground! 


    My legs nearly drug on the gravel for a good minute before he sucked his teeth, making a growling sound. It only aroused me more!


    What is he doing to me?


    “Damn it” before I could ask him what was wrong, he picked me up, hooking his arm under my legs and the other arm holding my back in place. 


    “Hey…” fighting against him holding me like that. 


    “Hush, I’ll get you to your room faster this way.” Gulping hard laying my head on his shoulder.  


    The doorman smiled at us, not going to lie we did look a bit odd.


     My small size didn’t seem to bother him much, he didn’t huff or struggle to hold me.


    “I like the piercings,” his eyes stayed forward as we entered the elevator.


    “Mm, nice tattoo, what is it?” looking around fighting sleep my eyes caught a glimpse of a tattoo spotting what looked like wings out the side of his shirt. 


    “A dragon, it goes down my back,” he made it seem like I didn’t weigh anything, just holding me there. The elevator only took a minute to get to our floor, but time seemed to stop. 


    “I want a tattoo; can I see it?” smiling our conversation wasn’t at all awkward it flowed so easily. 


    Until I jumped at Bash bouncing me lightly. 


    “Wit wake up” opening my eyes, looking around before noticing I was at my door.


     “I need the keys,” pushing myself out of his arms feeling the heat in my cheeks there it was again that feeling in my lower belly, seeing his eyes like that, those light brown orbs and his hair obviously dyed white and red, tan skin, following down with a dark scruffy beard, he’s eyebrow piercing plus a star tattoo I almost didn’t notice it. 


    Everything was heating to a boiling point, 


    “Wit, Wit” feeling his heavy hand land on my shoulder,  


    “Umm,” shaking as I tried to unlock my door, the damn key wouldn’t go in, he placed his hand over mine, 


    “Calm down,” I could feel his body heat against my back, it felt so good. 


    Turning to face him, only needing to look almost a foot upper ward, damn I didn’t catch the height difference. I grabbed his face bringing his lips to mine, this feeling in my body urged to taste him, feel him, know him, to be felt by him. 


    What I didn’t know was what tomorrow will bring when I sober up. 


    “Bash come in?” he didn’t answer but he followed me, anxious to know everything. 


    “Wit, you’re still…” He stopped me and for good reason.


     I knew what I was, the whole damn school knew.


     I’m twenty-two and never had sex, never experienced pleasure from another person!


     I finally wanted something real, I wanted him…


    “I’m never going to have this courage again,” throwing my hoodie on the floor, unbuttoning his shirt.


    He didn’t stop me in fact I was in control of most of it. 


    Kissing him, touching him, his well build body stood before me, my frame was nothing compared to his.


     Gulping the lump in my throat looking into his eyes, caught up in those orbs again as he pulled my hair tie out and undid my belt dropping my pants to the floor. 


    “Wit…” he sighs lightly grazing his fingertips over my shoulders and collar bone, shivering at the air on my skin, the anticipation was killing me. 

    Stopping him from stopping me again by running my tongue across his nipple hoop, my tongue ring hit his nipple ring, he threw his head back sighing.


     I would’ve had to jump to get to his lips on my own, his nipples were pierced like mine, his rough finger traced across my straight barbell rings letting off a tickling sensation. 


    We kissed our way to the bed, straddling his hips, grinding myself against him.


     His tongue did things to my rings that can only be described as heaven, he pulled my hair just enough to force my head back as he sucked on my neck leaving marks.


    “More,” I couldn’t get enough.


     I wanted more I didn’t even know what the hell I was doing it was like someone else took over my body, I slid down to his long, thick, veiny shaft standing at attention, the salty taste of pre-cum on my tongue drove me crazy. 


     “Shit,” he hissed as my tongue ring slid up and down his member, bobbing my head feeling his hands massage my scalp an amazing feeling. 


    He grabbed my hips turning me until I was straddling his face.


    “Ah, Bash not there!” I protest him licking hole. Quickly shut mouth feeling he push a finger inside. 


    Nervous and worried just for a second as I felt him introduced another finger. My eyes rolled at the blissful sensation. 


    “That’s feels so good Wit,” he moans loudly, the room filled with the sounds of my slurping.


     Smiling as I smacked his head against my tongue.


    My eyes nearly popped out of my head feeling him trying another finger, two was already too much, I just couldn’t get enough rocking myself back and forth. 


    Stroking myself for a moment my toes curled, and legs shook from my first nut, the glorious sensation from something like this. 


    “Ready?” I couldn’t answer, I didn’t have that kind of courage. 


    He flipped me onto my back, resting my legs on his shoulder, the tearing sound of a condom wrapper filled the air. 


    Huffing as I came down from my high, watching his every move. 


    “Relax Wit,” I cried out digging my nails into his back, he wiped my eyes waiting for me to give him the okay to move, 

    “Ow Ow Ow…” I knew this would hurt, but didn’t think it would be this bad, I was completely sober from this. 


    “Ah Bash”  


    “You feel so good Wit,” he rocked slowly until the pain had been replaced with pleasure. 


    “Bash~~” huffing as he kissed down my neck, my knees banged against my shoulders, sweat dripping from his face our eyes locked,  the pleasureful sounds filled the room along with the banging of my bed hitting wall.


    “Turn over,” he said, pulling out just long enough for me to turn onto my hands and knees, he pushed my stomach into the mattress.


    “You like it?” Bash wrapped his hand into my hair pulling me backward, arching my back feeling him slid in further. 


    “Fu… Ah, ~~~” his other hand held me in place as he thrust roughly.


     My moans filled the air for a good few minutes, my hands locked into his hair as I turned my head to kiss him. Our tongues fought, clipping sounds from our tongue rings.


    “Good boy, ride me,” he praised then instructed me to straddle him, he slid inside me with ease this time, my hands lean backward holding his legs as he bounced my body. 


    This was a different feeling, he stroked me!


     I’m sure he could see I was close by the expression on my face. Trying so hard not screaming from the amazing feeling he gave me.


    “Cum for me Wit,” it hit me like a wall, I had lost my virginity to a man.


     Bash huffed a few more times, thrusting harder it made me scream feeling him stretching me to the max. 


    “Christ~~” biting my lip crying of both pleasure and pain with a bit of regret, I laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat, racing at first then becoming steady.


    He was still inside me, but it felt good and so right!


     After a minute I rolled onto the bed letting my legs relax it didn’t stop them from shaking though. 


    “Fuck Wit, that…” he huffed in between breaths, laying next to me, 


    “Yeah,” I said completely unsure what the hell came over me, but I didn’t fight it I just fell asleep. 


    What the hell did I just do?


    Mom, Dad help me I so confused!                                    


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