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    ลำดับตอนที่ #5 : [เรื่องสั้นภาษาต่างด้าว] Nu Dee's Scary Night

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 16 ธ.ค. 49

    Nu Dee's Scary Night

          It was a cold dark and wet night and Nu
    Dee has just finished her 1st Year at university in Bangkok, she was driving home in her car to see her grandmother in Nong Hin, Nakon Pathom. Her grandmother had bought her the car last year for her 18th birthday so that Nu Dee could go and visit her at the end of term. She didn't have time to change out of her uniform because it was very late at night, raining and she wanted to get there quickly. Nu Dee had worked very hard this year because she wanted to make her grandmother proud of her.

    Nu Dee felt a little strange driving on this dark and quiet road, as this is the same road that many other young girls had disappeared from in the last few years, nobody knows what happened to them. Suddenly her car started to shake and smoke came from the engine, she started slowing down, Nu Dee felt scared, she didn't know what was wrong with her car, then it stopped. "I'm so stupid" she thought "I should have got my car checked before I left Bangkok". She looked out of the window and she couldn't see anything only trees of the forest by the side of the road, it was so dark and gloomy.

    Suddenly she saw some shapes moving around in the forest they were coming towards her car. Nu Dee got out of her car and started to run. She ran into the forest and she ran for a long time but she could still hear the voices and the shapes behind her. By now she was all wet from the rain and was very tired, she knew they would catch her soon. At last she saw a light coming from a small house so she ran towards it, but the dark shapes were still behind her, then suddenly she fell and...

    ...hurt herself. She started to stand up quickly but unfortunately her ankle was hurt. No Dee looked around there was no light from a small house anymore. She was in the different place as last few minutes. "I'm stupid again" she blamed herself "Other young girls disappeared because they ran out, and me too!". Then something knocked her back. She turned and looked at it. It was like a coin bigger than any normal coin she had seen. Around her there was new environment. It was the forest but it wasn't the dark forest anymore. It was not cold dark and wet night too, it was shiny! The big tree behind her looked warm. She started to walk through the strange forest, saw some little tree with the shape like a man, some fruit from a tree looked like Mr.Dean, and some leaf was like the human hand. She walked forward, then suddenly she saw something which looked like a monkey, and looked like a man too. He was talking with a lady. Nu Dee thought that lady was like someone she has known. "Hey Lucy", the man said. In a minute Nu Dee memorized something. The are primate! And that lady, she was Lucy, the Australopithecus afarensis. Then suddenly something knocked her again, she was unconscious.

    She woke up in the dark forest again, suddenly there was a voice!...Her mobile phone rang. "Where are you Nu Dee?", it was her grandmother. "I'm on the way grandma, and will arrive in an hour". She got up and saw a puppy beside her. It was cute(?). Everything seemed to be her thought and her dream. "I'm so crazy", she thought...

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