

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Soul, that Belongs To me

    ลำดับตอนที่ #5 : Chapter Five - Let's be Friend

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ส.ค. 63

    Singto and Krist about to leaving the hotel after visited a customer, to introduce their factory new products.

    Krist sighed.

    "Haven't get used to the job?" Singto asked him.

    "No, I'm thinking where to go after work, I don't want to go home, you won't believe me, Stella doesn't stop nagging, she keeps on persuading me to leave Nan and go back to Bangkok." Said Krist.

    "Maybe she has nothing to do at home, so she bored, I could arrange a position for her in the office."

    "You're not going to do that!" Krist warned him. "This is the only place, where I could escape from her."

    "Sound like you're not happy to have relationship with her, are you?" Singto guessed. "How you guys end up together? Do you truly like her?"

    "Stella is popular girl in our faculty, besides she's very nice and smart." Said Krist proudly. "Every guys in group gossiping about her, wish to get her, then I try my luck and unexpectedly she accepted me, haha..."

    "I can't believe it." Singto breathe a sigh. "So, it's like beat the challenge to win the girls heart for you?"

    "Of course, not." Krist cut him. "She's more like friend to me, we share many thing and talk about a lot of thing in common, help each other in study."

    "Yeah, the best relationship is start from friend." Singto looking straight at Krist eyes.

    "Like you and my brother?" asked Krist.

    "We're not in friend...relationship, but..."

    "I know, but lover, right?" Krist cut him and mischievously smiled.


    "Krist! P'Sing! Fancy meeting you guys here!" Suddenly a shout cut off their conversation. Stella just finished doing the spa in the hotel, coincidentally saw both guys is talking from afar, she quickly heading on their way.

    "You guys have some business here?" she asked naturally.

    "Yeah, we just met with a customer." Answer Singto, while Krist is rolling his eyes lazily, he can't believe could bumped at Stella in this place.

    "Was it done? Want to go home? May I came along?"

    "Yeah, sure...we're done."

    "Great, let's go." Stella replied in excited. "But, I'm hungry, can we stop in the restaurant to have some food before going home?" she comes out with an idea.

    "Whatever you want." Krist answer lazily.

    They head to parking lot together, when walking suddenly Stella's heel stuck in the iron grates, Singto immediately hold her from falling, then crouched down to help her, while Krist already walk ahead and doesn't notice. He stopped once heard Stella shouted and just watching from far.

    While waiting, Krist scanning around the parking lot and sees the family that busy arranging the items from shopping cart into the car. Krist eyes were fixed on a boy who running around happily, which remind him of his little brother, then suddenly the boy stop in the middle of empty area not far from him, his eyes fixed at Krist and began to cries.

    Krist making a scary face to jokes with him, like which he always did it to his brother, but unfortunately it scared the boy. He became panic and about to approaches him.

    Suddenly from a far, a car running in speed toward them from behind the boy, and seems not going to stop. Seeing of that, Krist quickly run forward to save the boy.

    "Krist, don't!" shouted Singto about to stop him.

    Krist managed to catch the boy and roll to side before the car hit them, then he heard the loud brake sound following by the bam and car alarm sound from behind that tell him the damn car hit the parked car and stopped.

    The child family shortly rush to Krist's place to check for their son, while Stella check for Krist and Singto goes for the driver. The boy sleep peacefully inside Krist's embrace and doesn't move. Krist shocked, he could feel something sticky and wet from the boy's head, which he soon guess is blood.

    Krist gulped his saliva and his heart beating fast, he wish nothing bad happen to the boy, though he had managed to save him from getting hit by car. Stella's eyes caught a road block that had a blood stain on the right, and she soon guessed that the boy head might hit the road block when fell down.

    "No, no, please don't..." Krist begged while checking the boy's breathe using his other hand that trembling. His hand stopped in front of the boy's nose as his own breath has stopped.

    "Yooonnn!!!" his family screaming loud, and shortly grabbed the poor boy's body from Krist trying to wake him up by shaking the boy's body.

    Krist clenches his hand and screaming to his heart, seeing of that, Stella slowly touch his bloody finger and holded them, Krist hissed for a moment and immediately examined it. Apparently the blood came from his wound, not the boy's head, then how? Krist immediately turned to the woman who hugged the boy while crying miserably.

    "Yooonn, please open your eyes.....mommy beg you...Yooon...my baby...."

    After a while the police and ambulance arrived to fill the end of the story. The driver of the car was indicated to be drunk and the boy had heart failure, so he might be shocked and die of a heart attack.


    Krist, Singto and Stella came to the Yoon's funeral and hiding behind the tree while watching until the family and peoples leave one by one, the rain is slowly falling around them. Stella stand beside Krist crossed her finger with him, while Singto hold the umbrella for them from behind.

    After everyone left, they carefully walk in front of the grave, Krist put a car toy on the gravestone, and Stella put a flowers.

    "I thought I save you, I'm sorry..." Krist speak to the gravestone. "I'm so sorry, if not because of me...you won't..." Krist can't continue, his mind is empty. His breath was irregular along with his body trembling because of emotion.

    Suddenly the memory of his younger brother who died in car accident come to haunt him again, Krist clenched his wounded hand and hit the ground emotionally caused it bleeding again.

    "Aaargghh.............." he screaming out loud.

    After a while Singto slowly put the hand on his shoulder to make him calm.

    "You wanna wake him up from his peaceful sleep?"

    Singto's word hit on his head and heart, Krist immediately lift his face to staring straight at the guy, the tears running down his face along with the rain.

    Singto smiled and continues. "He won't be happy about it!" Singto jokes.

    Without a warning, Krist suddenly move forward and hug the guy tight and crying on his shoulder. Stella and Singto was startled but not say or do anything about it, Singto then hand the umbrella to Stella and slowly put his arms around Krist's back to return the hug.

    Raindrops falling gently around them add sorrow to the atmosphere, however Krist emotion slowly calming down and he feel so peaceful.

    After returned home from funeral, Krist straightly head to his room and locked the door. He sit in the corner of his alcove trying to recall everything alone. The picture in his head quite blurry, but he could hear the voice in his head.

    "Wake up..."

    "It's morning, wake up now...."

    "Look at yourself..."

    "You wanna have some cookies?"

    "I would never leave you, I'm promise..."

    Krist gradually fall sleep on the floor with the voice talking in his head.


    Meanwhile, Singto returned to the office after receiving a call from Kevin after dropped Krist and Stella at his home.

    "I call you for more than twenties times, but you not pick up even once..." Kevin interrogated him. "I gave you permission to accompany Krist to funeral, to give report to me about what happen in there."

    "I apology, I think it was not the right time to receive a phone at funeral so I silence it." Singto gave an excused. "Didn't I'm here now, so I can give you the detail report?"

    Kevin is checking Singto suit which seems bit wet.

    "You forgot to bring the umbrella?" Kevin concern of him.

    "I do." Reply Singto. "I used it to covered Krist and Stella."

    "Thank for your concern toward them. I hope everything is fine." Kevin get up from his seat and approaches Singto.

    "What about the boy's family and the driver?" he speak while undoing Singto's suit, make the guy startled and step backward, but Kevin arm moving fast this time, he shortly grab Singto's waist to hold him and prevent him to get away.

    "Continue your report, let me help you."

    Singto gulped his saliva hard trying to calm down and let Kevin continue to undoing his suit.

    "I've speak with the family but they refused the cheque, they said it is not Krist fault so they can't receive the money..."

    Kevin removed the suit from Singto and throw it on the sofa behind then go for the tie, Singto stop talking all of sudden and check for the guy's hand.

    "Then?" Kevin asked again.

    "The...driver...get in jail for accusation of driving in drunk state..."

    His tie also lose from his collar and drop to the floor, Kevin about goes to his shirt and start to unbutton it, but Singto stop him immediately.

    "Sir, my shirt doesn't wet, I think it doesn't need to be removed."

    Kevin stop what he's doing immediately and staring straight at Singto's eyes.

    "Stop to act as fool, you clearly know what am I doing right now, don't you?" he says to the point.

    "I don't know what are you talking about, but can tell you honestly, I'm not into this..." Singto glared back at him.

    "How you know before you try?"

    "Someone told me, sometime you don't need a reason to say no."

    Kevin raise his eyebrow when heard the response and grinned. "What about, let's start from friend...first? You're not going to say no, right?"

    Singto silence for a while before reply in brief. "Fine."

    "I'm glad to hear it, thank you." A widely smile appear on his face. "Please, keep an eyes on Krist for me."

    "I will."

    to be continue....




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