

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Soul, that Belongs To me

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Chapter Four - It's Begin

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ส.ค. 63

    Kevin approaches Singto from behind and offer him a glass of red wine.

    "Are you volunteer to help Krist for reasons? You seems interest in him instead of simple want to help him..." he put the wine glass on Singto's hand and softly strokes the guy's finger.

    "Why do you think like that?"

    "Because I could see it from your eyes, the way you look at him, talk to him, your attitude become different when he's around and..." he stop for seconds. "You save his life..."

    "I do not save his life..." cut Singto. "It supposed to be me who should die in the accident..."

    "What do you mean?!"

    "I was about to take the elevator few minutes before lunch break, but suddenly P'Min stopped me, she handed me an early leave permission letter, because she has urgent thing to do in the afternoon, so after asking for my signature and submitting a letter, she quickly rushed over to enter elevator before Krist..." Singto moving the wine glass for few times but doesn't drink it.

    "I still keep the letter in my locker, I'll give it to you later..."

    "J-just burn it. I don't want to get anything from dead people."


    "So it purely accident?"

    "Huh? Do you suspect at something?"

    "I don't." said Kevin. "It just, I feel the accident always happen with Krist around..."


    "It doesn't matter, I believe those accidents got nothing to do with Krist." Kevin walked in front of Singto and raise his hand about to touch the guy's shoulder, yet Singto step backward reflexively to avoid and gulp the wine in his hand.

    Kevin became awkward while his hand still hung in the air, a second later he pulled it back and put it into his pants pocket, his eyes staring straight at the guy in front of him and smiled.

    I've investigated personal information about you ... and it looks like you faked your identity." He tells Singto, the guy immediately raise his eyes lid and staring back at him in surprise.

    "What do you mean?" he smiled and trying to stay calm.

    Kevin walk to his table and took out a document files from under his desk then show the document report he got from detective to Singto.

    "There is no background of the Ruangroj family in the data of the Thai population in the past century, unless you are a noble descendant from few centuries ago." Kevin show him another old script beside the document report. "There is a prince who name as Preacheya Ruangroj who live around two centuries ago, unfortunately he doesn't have family tree record and only been report died in the war."

    "You're kidding, right? How could I might have any connection to the stranger from history?"

    "Then how you explain yourself?"

    "I admit, Ruangroj is not my real family name, I was born and raised in an orphanage, I don't have a family name, and I made it when I first registered for an ID card."

    "Well, you also fake your birthday and birth place, also your primary till high school education record." Kevin grinned.

    Singto widened his eyes, he never thought that Kevin would get completed record of his personal information. "About that..." Singto sighed. "Well, honestly I never went to school. Sorry, I'll will tell you about my past on another time..."

    "You don't have to, actually I don't care about your past, but I care about your future, and I'm glad you came and work at here." Kevin changed the subject. "You know from the first time we met..."

    Suddenly Singto's phone ringing. "Excuse me, sir! If you don't mind to let me receive the phone first." Singto quickly took out his phone from the pocket, Kevin could saw Krist's name on the screen.

    "I'll be there soon, wait for me!" he reply to Krist in the phone.

    Singto finally got reason to leave the office, thanks to Krist.


    Krist and Singto meet at cafetaria to discuss about new flavor cookies. Krist bring the new sample from factory and asked Singto to taste them so he could make a report.

    "You can't be serious, right?!" Singto protest. "So you indirectly ask me to write the report for you?" he smirked.

    "Do I get the extra pay?" he jokes.

    "Ask it to P'Kevin." Krist frowned.

    Singto smirked and staring at the guy for moments, before took the cookies from each can and eat them, he finished half can alone within few minutes.

    "You need to check your sugar level after this." Krist comment.

    "You got the point. We always use too much sugar, chocolate, and sweets as basic ingredients. I think maybe some don't like sweet or might have sugar problem, so I suggest of using potato or seaweeds as basic ingredients to replace the flour and sugar."

    "Hey, hey! You've talked out of topic!" Krist cut him. "It is not my position to decide about to change the product type or flavor, my concern is to convince the distributor to sell them at the market."

    "I know, why do you think they made you write the report about new flavor?"

    "So I can explain it at presentation."

    Singto laughed at his respond.

    "What's so funny?"

    "Nothing, I just think maybe you should taste it yourself."

    "Well, I've told you, I don't eat cookies."

    "Do you have any bad memories about cookies? Why you hate them so much?"

    Krist rolled his eyes trying to remember a thing. "I don't know, it kind like bad memory, kind like dejavu...anyway I don't like it taste, okay!"

    "I talked with your brother this morning...." Singto suddenly change the subject. "He told me that sometime the bad thing happen around you...like an accident..."

    Krist glared at him immediately.

    "When did it start?"

    Krist silence for some moments, after a while he sighed and start his story.

    "I can still clearly remember...how our family mourned of my younger brother's death, nine years ago..."

    "I know. Your brother told me about it." Said Singto.

    "I was with him in the car after school, suddenly a car drove from the opposite direction towards us, causing our car crash into a road block and explode, only me who survived..." Krist sighed.

    "And the other time, I attended the Halloween pool party at school, my friend think to prank me, they pushed me into the pool, no one jumped to help me because they knew that I could swim."

    "What happened?"

    "It turns out the one who being pushed into pool wasn't me, but my one of classmate who wearing the same costume like me, and he can't swim."

    "It's not your fault." Singto comment again.

    "Another time, is my elder sister...boy...friend, he accidentally shot by robber in the alley after leaving our house, I show up at the alley, a second after he was shot." Krist laughed.

    Krist tell Singto many other the accidents he witnessed all these years, which is become the reason for him want to leave Nan.

    "Then why your mom asked you to come back again now?" Singto curious.

    "She told me about my father health condition not very good lately." Krist smirked. "But, I suspect the main reason is because my grandpa message."

    "What message?"

    "I don't know, my grandpa died from heart attack few years ago before I could clarify about his so not make sense will."

    "Don't your father know about this?"

    "I don't think so, otherwise he won't let me went to study at Bangkok."

    Singto nodded in agree. "Anyway, don't think anything bad about it. Maybe you were lucky to escape from the accidents, or maybe you were protected by guardian spirit, people dies anyway."

    "Yeah, right. People dies every day, but I'm not the grim reaper who took theirs soul away or soul eater monster who took people's live."

    "Yeah, probably you scarier than that, haha..." Singto jokes.

    "What do you mean?!" Krist protest.

    Suddenly they heard the woman screaming voice from other place, after exchanged the glances the quickly rushed over to check for it.

    Krist stop immediately in front of office building when seeing two woman fighting and one of them was the familiar face. Stella force her way to enter the building and arguing with the security, then a female employee come out to stop her as well, then Stella slap her in the face.

    "Stella!!!" Krist called to stop her.

    The girl surprised and stopped immediately then turned toward the voice, her expression changed immediately and a wide smile appeared on her face.

    "Krist!! Finally, I could see you!" she running toward Krist and hug him immediately,

    "What are you doing here?" Krist pulled her off immediately and start to interrogate her.

    Stella did not answer him, but instead slightly moved her eyes to look at Singto who was standing behind Krist on the left and smiled.

    Singto widen his eyes in surprised, his heart began to beating faster, his head spinning and his memory become blur, and feeling dejavu all of sudden. He don't know what kind of feeling is this, how come this girl give him this kind of feeling, which supposed to be their first time encounter.

    to be continue......    



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