

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Soul, that Belongs To me

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : Chapter two - The First Encounter

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ส.ค. 63

    "Look, I know you always want to leave this small town, and you want to be an archeologist, open the auction gallery..."

    Krist Mom suddenly invite him to have an afternoon tea in her room, just both of them.

    "I thought, we've talked about this long time ago, is dad change his mind and told you to persuade me?"

    Mrs. Sangpotirat sigh for a second and move her chair, she get up from her chair and approaches Krist from the back then placed his hand slowly on Krist's shoulder to let him calm.

    "Because...I has a reason..." said his mom.

    "To the point, mom!"

    "Well, you're right. I do change my mind and about to ask you move back and stay with us!"

    "Because of grandpa last message?" Krist lift up his head and turn his face to back staring at his mom.

    "No, it is because your dad's condition."

    "What do you mean?"

    "He is not in well condition as you saw he is." The old woman sighed heavily and return extend his arm to hug Krist. "He has old and tired, I don't want you lose the chance to take care of him while you still can..."

    "Besides, you are my son, our only biological son who will inherit all this in the future." Sangpotirat moved his eyes around the room. "Also the company ..."

    "But, I'm not the only son of Sangpotirat..."

    The old woman let go of his arm and walk back to her chair, then glance at a maid in the room to tell her that she want to have a private chat with Krist.

    "I am not say your brother Kevin isn't my son, your father trust the company to him, I believe he don't mind it and will do the best to support you in the future..."

    "So I guessed you guys had decided the next president director." Krist smirked. "Wow, I'm surprised."

    "You're not happy about this?"

    "Suddenly I be made as crowned prince, who wouldn't happy about that?" Krist is joking.

    "I'm glad you do, but I can't let you sit in that position just like that without any preparation or I call it experience." Said his mother. "That's why I want you go and help your father and brother in the office."

    "So you ask me to quit my school?"

    "I know that you must have many reason to reject me, but I wish you would rethink of what I told you before this."

    Krist look straightly at his mother eyes for seconds before replied.

    "I..." he stop and change his mind. "You won't accept any reason, don't you? Because you always hold stronger card to beat mine."

    "Well, you don't need to quit your school, you just need to change the university and return to Nan. You can work while study, just manage your time..."

    Krist can't believe of what he just heard. "Mom, go find and registered me in the best archeology faculty in Nan, do you think I am transferring the school?"

    Mrs. Sangpotirat become silence for seconds, staring straight at Krist. "If you want to open the auction gallery, make the proposal, I might think to invest in it. Grandpa kept a lot of old drawing and heirloom in his study room, you can start with that."

    Krist suddenly squint his eyes. "Mention about grandpa, suddenly make me curious of one thing."

    "If you want to ask me about the reason, why he forbid you to left this house, I have no answer for you." His mother raise both of her palm to make a gesture of give up. "Your dad never told me anything about it."

    "Probably, he also think that you're the only Sangpotirat's grandson, so he worried that you might think of left this mansion or sold it out..."

    "What?!" Krist exclaimed in surprised.

    "Yeah, you know your grandpa very well, don't you? He love this house more than anyone, when his brothers and sisters left, he volunteer to remain and guard this old place alone. After he was gone, he might hope his next generation would stay here to protect it."

    "I know." Replied Krist briefly.

    "I'm glad you could understand."

    "Alright, I think I could understand what you going to tell me, but...there is no way I'll be quit my study." Krist stubborn as always. "Maybe I could take a college leave for one semester, I'll go to office and do whatever you tell me, and I'll think about your proposal to invest in my gallery, really appreciate of that." he wink before left his mother's room.


    So after return to Bangkok, as his promise to his mom, Krist apply for the leave about half to one year, he think probably his mom was right about one thing.

    On the other hand, Krist and Stella have a great fight about sudden changes in plans, about Krist's decision to leave Bangkok for a semester or more, about Krist suggesting a break up for their relationship because they will stay separated from each other for a long time.

    So after everything's done, Krist return to Nan and began his first journey and gain his first experience, working at his family company following by his mother plan. Krist assigned as one of marketing staff, his job description is to promote company product to the distributor before it be accepted to sell in the market.

    So at his first day of working his sister took him to tour inside the factory, introduce him into all the workers and their product specialty. Krist dislike the taste of cookies, so he won't bother to try any of them, so he just walk around and listen to his sister explanation and start to getting bored.

    After half day of tour, finally he been told to return to the office to be introduced to other thing until the lunch time, and it's a time to visit cafeteria to feed his stomach. So after been asked to break, Krist straightly head to elevator and wait to go down along with many other employees.

    The elevator door opened and the employees are striving to enter the elevator which is full within few second, Krist be the last person who enter but when he about to walk in, a fat woman sneak in first and nudge him to side, but Krist who is stubborn still get in after the fatty.

    He glance at the woman unhappily, but suddenly the elevator door open again and ringing, meaning it's over weight, so someone has to be left away. Everybody eyes staring at the fat woman instead of Krist who come in last.

    However the woman ignore the warning and refuse to get out, suddenly someone grab at Krist's left arm and pull him out of elevator. Krist jerked instantly and fell forward the person, but he manage to catch Krist and hold him steady, so the elevator door able to close after that and start to moving down.

    Krist gnawed his teeth and glared at the guy who just made him lose the dignity to a fat woman, but before he about to open his mouth to scold, suddenly he hear the sound from his back. The elevator floor indicator panel is going crazy, which indicate the elevator motor damage, the metal rope slipped or maybe broken, more precisely it falling down in high speed.

    Krist was shocked as staring at the panel which show the elevator stop in the 5th floor. Krist and the male employee exchanged the glance for a second and quickly took the emergency exit to reach the 5th floor. Once they arrived, they saw the elevator door is opened and everyone is in panic running out of the elevator before it falling again.

    They are pushing each other and running in crazy, Krist could saw the fat woman from before, fell on the floor as be pushed with his half legs still at inside and she was stepped and pressed by peoples who fell over. After few minutes, the elevator floor move again yet some of people still left inside. Suddenly the elevator drop freely and the woman's leg being chopped apart from his body and die instantly. Everybody who's witnessed of it screaming like hell and was spooked.

    Krist was froze in his position, staring straight at the woman whom he felt irritated toward few moments ago, now died horribly in front of him. It could be him who die in that position but he was lucky to be pulled out from elevator a second before it fall, and thank to that woman who took his place in the last second.

    "Are you alright? Take this!" the male employee concern of him and offer him a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that running down his forehead, then took out his phone to call ambulance and cops to take care the accident, then call security to secure the place and peoples.

    Krist quickly lend a hand to help the other survivors to stand up before heading to the baseman to check for the rest elevator passenger left, the male employee also following his back. They reach the baseman together and saw the technicians trying to open elevator door.

    After a few minutes later, the door finally open and they could saw everyone fell unconscious and injured on the floor, there is a blood around the floor and pair of legs. The male employee quickly check for victim's condition before the medic team arrive.

    Some of victim still breathing, most of them suffer from broken bone, so no one dare to move the body until the ambulance car arrive. After everybody been taken out of elevator or mean it has empty, the technician and cops began to do their job to investigate the cause of accident. Krist and male employees were also be interrogated for their testimonies.

    After everything is done, they head back to office, both of guy take a rest in the employee's living room. The male employee offer a glass of tea and cookies in the plate to in front of Krist.

    "Sorry, I-I don't eat cookies, I let you know now."

    "What? I thought you going to promote this company main product which is cookies, so how you going to do it?"

    "Well, I only need to do the presentation, and let the distributor to taste them." He say it so easy.

    "Then how you going to presented it since you don't know how it taste? How are you going to convince the distributor or consumer to eat the cookies since you refuse to eat them yourself?"

    "So, you think me unable to do it?" Krist seems unhappy.

    "Well, may I know why you don't like cookies?" he change the subject.

    Krist silence for second before answer his question. "Do you like me?"


    "Why? Because I am man?"

    "What?!" the man startled. "No!"

    "It's same to the cookies, I don't like it, just simply don't, no reason." Added Krist. "Okay?"

    The man sighed and give up. "Although you don't like it, you can eat them anyway to feed your stomach, I know you haven't ate since afternoon." He then take a cookie and eat it. "This taste good, maybe you don't like it because you haven't try it."

    "Do you guys only eat cookies as afternoon snack?"

    "Since it's our company product, so yeah..." he replied. "Or you want me to order chicken drumstick for you?"

    Listen to the word drumstick, Krist suddenly remembers the woman's leg from an accident and he immediately loses appetite, and unconsciously takes the cookie from the plate and eats it. He soon realized it and throw it away, then took the tea from table to clean his mouth.

    "The taste is not bad, right?" he man smiled at him. "At least it taste better than chicken drumstick..." he continue to eats the cookies and look away to avoid Krist's glare.

    "Who are you anyway? Why you follow me around?"

    "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself." He ate the cake in his hand, sipped tea, cleaned his hands and extended his hand towards Krist to introduce himself officially.

    "My name is Singto, nice to meet you. Krist Perawat Sangpotirat." 



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