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My Learning Style

เขียนโดย Caje

I picked this topic - My Learning Style - for this week journal not only because John told me to select one from the list, but because I, myself, was also curious about it. I did some search on the Internet and found that I am a reflective, intuitive, and global learner.

"Reflective Learners" prefer to think about the information they recieve quietly and like to work alone as same as me. By contrast, "Active Learners" tend to retain information best by doing things. I think I am more likely to be an active learner when doing a computer lab, but most of the time I learn, I like to think about it first.

The theory-to-pratice, learning method prefered by intuitive learners, suits me better than the pratice-to-theory -- sensing learners' style. I also like discovering possibilities and relationships between the subjects and real life, just like intuitors. Instead of being well patient with details and good at memorizing facts as sensors, I am impatient and don't like repetition. I have a very strong preference for intuitive style.

While sequential learners tend to gain understanding in linear steps, global learners tend to learn in large jumps. I prefer to see the big picture first, then get into the details latter. I can relate the content to different aspects of the same subject or to different subjects easily.

Knowing my own learning style helps me understand myself better. Perhaps in the future, this will help me to improve my studying. I am a combination of the reflective, intuitive, and global style learner.

