A stumble in life does not indicate failure, it only indicates the beginning. One’s life is like an assault course and the mistakes are the obstacles. The number of mistakes is trivial, what matter is what happens next.
Edison is known for being an archetypal inventor. When he was experimenting filaments, he failed many times, but he had an indomitable will.
“I haven’t fail, I have discovered 2000 ways which doesn’t work”
With Charterhouse School, the Hill School organised a challenge every year to strengthen the bonds between the schools. This year’s theme was robotics. I chose to get involved and what I got from it was worth the time spent. To construct a Lego robot so that it can kick a ball is hard, but programming the robot, with limited sensor and insufficient time, so that it knows when and where to kick was even more difficult. My team worked on the inextricable problem and after 3 times, we were out of ideas and the robot project seemed like a mere debacle. What kept our motivation alive was the way we think. Copying Edison, I proudly say: “We haven’t failed, we just found 3 ways how not to program a robot.” The most important thing when we encounter a problem is to not give up, but to take it as a motivation.
The result of the challenge was irrelevant, what was important was the way we took the “stumble” as a motivation and tried to be positive. We weren’t prepared to give up and at the end, our experience was all the more rewarding.
“Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
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