

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Boy Of Night

    ลำดับตอนที่ #20 : Surfing

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 14 มิ.ย. 60

    Boy Of Night20




    The train was driving fast, situation around them was white color by snow; it cover mountain, cars, people, trees. Everything so fresh; an air, animals, feeling. It's all she could felt.

    Queen Charlotte sat in VIP lounge, she was looking outside windows train with doesn't know an aim where this train driving through but nothing important for her than to relax and forget everything now. She will to be a new queen not pretend to anything. Suddenly, someone get in with cup on his hand when she saw him she felt open like she can talk to him, he come to her and hand her cup but she deny cause she didn't need anything. Aiken not to tell her who he really is, even she didn't asked or need to know. And his magic changed him to became her darker and she couldn't remember him.

    He put a cup on glass table behind her chair bed next windows. And seeing her never take her eyes off view outside windows that make him looking out too. Before he reach her hand up and kiss. The queen shuddered and turn to him.


    Dear, my queen if have anything I can do for you, I will.” the dark queen thought what he can do for her? then she realize what her darker can do or not and this time she didn't think she need a thing than to forget a sad time. And she found a way how now.


    Can you with me?”


    Of course.” said Aiken before sitting beside her.


    This time the queen of dark need someone to comfort her and make her forget something that she didn't need to remember. He might be change it, she thought, but one thing to make sure is her mind. A chance for her to determine if he could make her mind, she will choose him instead. The queen didn't say anything but took him near her. Her eyes catching him before put her lips on him and while they were kissing the queen thought he could ease it so easily and made her forget anything as well as he did it on the first time. She felt him not like another darker one she ever met. He special and amazing, his kiss could made her heart beating, love and true that she has never felt when she kissed another of her darker, human, or monster who's she please them but not to him that she could feel more about good.

    then she stopped, but their body so close almost touch. Her hand on his chest with she will feel his heart and her eyes wide open followed to him.


    I want to forget. Will you do it to me?” the queen whispering but instead of his answer, he kissed her again.

    Toward queen Charlotte still on his arms and no one talk but looking outside the windows train. The queen think she should ask about him; give him all question she need to know more, but for now she not in the way to ask and can ask or want to know anybody who they are? And that she close her eyes until she slept. Aiken's king felt happier than ever when he can close to her like this time even she didn't know him in real.

    In the moment when they are alone, his lighter name Jeremy come in and see his king laid down himself with the queen of dark beside then he said “We...” but his words was shut down by his king before Aiken leaving Charlotte but kissed her hand and said “I'll be right back.” and he go with Jeremy. They come to other room on the train and in this train no human but only his lighter because these was not human's train but it was their train 'the light's train'. But now their train changed as like as human's train for dark queen.

    Aiken king sat on the chair with listen to Jeremy, at first Jeremy told him about an aim that almost arrival, second he stopped for hesitate for a while till the light king asked. And Jeremy told that he afraid about new relationship of his king and he can't accepted it all. When Aiken heard that he turn away his face before said “Nothing to worry. See we can stay together.”


    That because now you're her darker. Not The King Of Light.” Jeremy answered


    I guarantee about this.” said the king


    On the evening the dark queen slept on bed not in the train, but in room of somewhere else after they arrived and the queen still sleeping. Aiken didn't need to awake her but for her to take a rest. Anyone will keep away from the bedroom that the dark queen slept inside and they will in the land of them not across line mark that their king command and didn't appear themselves in real.

    Queen Charlotte open her eyes and see a less of evening light from the windows, she get herself up and left the bed to windows. Near the windows she was saw the sea with beautiful sunset shining less half in water and it couldn't hurt her. In her life the queen never thought or wanted to see sunset but when she saw it now, she has questions; how much beautiful colorful they had? Why she didn't notice it before? maybe it was light's not her friend but enemy. A moment later she felt warm then everyday because in this time she was in another place, this is not Alaska but had a sea and mountain, no snow, no winter wind, or coolest weather.

    People on the beach below dress like dancer; they had flowers around their hands, their neck and this look like necklace, and girls has chaplet head. But some of them not dress like dancer either on bikini. The dark queen changed her dress like another human and stepping out to the beach. When she was on the beach, she standing there to the middle of beach for look ahead at something on the water and felt sand under her feet, it not like snow. It warmer and thicker she think before take her feet up to waves that flooding the shore in front her with didn't know someone behind her.

    Aiken watching her stepping to waves. She enjoy herself on the shore before turn around her body and see her darker. He come to her with asking “Do you like this place?” the queen smiling to him “Yes, this place was different from where I come.” she said before try to imaging how much different they are. Then the light king who's now was her darker take her to join for dance after the sun left. They are on the sea together Aiken's king put his hand on her waist and other holding her hand then they moving in step of them. Queen Charlotte keep closer to him she never felt like this before. He make her feel special and drunk in happiness. They are moving on around and sang in the song of human that playing on the beach it's 'Overboard' not any longer now the queen take him up from water before walking and ask him.


    What's your name?” Aiken awaken before answering her question


    Alex.” Aiken said.


    Why didn't heard that or see you before?” the queen wondering for a moment until Aiken told her that he always on his way not come to Dark Castle and a year later he just became a guard. To look toward if anything not in formal or sigh of dangerous keep coming against darker. After all he not come in dark castle to many time neither if necessary. The queen smiling then she stop walking “Thank you. So where is this?” she asked.


    Hawaii.” Aiken replied.


    Oh. How far we come.” she cried.


    No matter how far, if this place had no one knew you. It'll worth to come, right?” he asked.


    With you.” said the queen.

    I will take you...with me” said Aiken or Alex in low voice. After that they kiss as long as they need. Dark come when this time was night time but flash light was around on the beach.

    Forward, they come to restaurant near the beach for diner like another human and this is the first time for queen Charlotte to eating with human around her. But she doesn't mind only the one who's sat opposite her that made her forget anything else. Alex will be the one for her now and she think she can change to give him a chance to be her king. But she not sure if he can be, or not negative.


    Would you like?” the one who's sat opposite her rise up his voice.


    Amm...I like...could you please order for me cause I'm not sure about human's food. I didn't know much.” she told.


    So will you want to change your food? You can and I will take it for you.” said him


    No, thank. I prefer to try human's food.”


    Okay.” said him with smiled.

    And after all they very enjoy foods on the table with some laughing and talking. This was a long dinner and first time of them. Before they come back to hotel.



    The morning come. Queen Charlotte stay in her room in hotel at Hawaii, looking the first light of today on the windows. She open up the windows and heard the wave and the wind, she smell salt from sea before she decide go to the beach again. But When she open the door, she stunning for a minute because Alex standing in front of her and he said “Surfing, ready? Go!” he took her hand with him and go.


    What? Surfing?” she asking him with doesn't know what is surfing?


    Now, they on beach with Alex take something out behind the wall. It's board, a big board that vary long. He take it beside him, holding on his arm and other hand caught her hand and running to the sea together. He explain how to surfing and teach her. At first he show her how to surfing and the queen look interesting about it when he said “Now it's your turn.” and she never been fun like this before when she surf sometime she use a magic to let's the board floating with her can standing on, but Alex said 'No' he need her to be like human. No magic, no suspects, no beyond.

    The dark queen tried to up on board but it's couldn't be easy because all the wave down her falling and drowning into the water below while Alex caught the board for her. The queen surface from water for breathing.


    Are you okay?” Alex looked at her.


    Yes, why I'm not? I am a queen of dark. Don't you remember?” she told with smiled before get her surfboard again.


    They are surfing with a little laugh when they're fell. And big waves come to them every second minutes, an hour later Queen Charlotte laid on the surfboard, she need a little for breath in an air and looking at the sky seem like the light go stronger when the sun higher to west side. Alex caught her surfboard that made the queen turning to him, he's in the water then she get up and sat in surfboard with took him sat on surfboard with her.


    How do you feel?” Alex turning to her.


    I feel...wonderful. This is great time that happened to me in the last long year.” the queen answered


    I see and I...” Alex looking in her eyes for a second minutes before saying again.


    I got something for you.” said Alex. Then he put something out from his pocket shirt and show it up to her.




    Yes, I think it appropriate to you. You should deserve it.”


    Oh, thank you. It's very pretty. I love it.” she said and that made Alex smiling before say “Come on, I put it on you.” after his words the queen turned her back to him. When he finished she turn back and smiled with said 'thank you'. She always watched at her new necklace. It's platinum necklace with fully heart diamond and it's shinning brilliant sparking in front her.


    I'm glad you...like it.” that all he could tell because after that the queen stopped him by her lips.



    นิยายแฟร์ 2025

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