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    For all=EIS=9 GraderS*08-09

    ลำดับตอนที่ #20 : [[R.S.]]Health Test::Chapter.19::30.1.09

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 24 ม.ค. 52

    /> /> /> />

    review sheet for of health for

    Chapter 19* 30.Jan.08


    -         Health is the overall well-being of your body, mind, and your relationships with other people.

    ·      Aspect of health are physical, mental & emotional [[spiritual]], and social.


    Chapter.19 :: Pregnancy, Birth, and Childhood  [[Page.486]]

    Section 1 ~ Development Before Birth [[Page.488]]

    -         During sexual intercourse, some of the sperm swim through the uterus to the fallopian tubes. If the egg is on its way to uterus, a sperm may fertilize it.

    ·         This moment of fertilization is also called conception.

    1.      Fertilization = when one sperm is able to get to the egg and fertilize it, the surface of the egg changes so that no more sperm can enter the egg.

    ð  In the first week after fertilization, the fertilized egg undergoes many cell divisions and travels to the uterus.

    2.      The Zygote = it’s the united egg and sperm. Within 36 hours while it is still traveling through the fallopian tube, it begins to divide.

    3.      Cell division = the original cell divides to make two cells and two-celled embryo divides into four cells, and blah blah blah so onnnnn

    4.      The Blastocyst = from the two-celled stage until about 9 weeks after fertilization, the growing structure is called an embryo [[ตัวอ่อน]]. By the time embryo reaches uterus, it’s made up of about 500 cells & the structure called a blastocyst, is no longer a solid mass of cells, but a sphere of cell surrounding a hollow center.

    5.      Implantation = the process of attaching blastocyst itself to the wall of the uterus after it has formed.

    -         These structures – the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord – protect and nourish the developing embryo, and later the fetus.

    ·         Soon after implantation, a fluid-filled bag of thin tissue called amniotic sac develops around embryo. Inside the sac, the embryo floats in amniotic fluid.

    ·         The attachment holding the embryo to the wall of the uterus develops into a structure called the placenta. Within the placenta, oxygen and nutrients [[or even dangerous substances or diseases]] from the mother’s blood into tiny blood vessels that lead to the embryo.

    ·         About 25 days after fertilization, a cordlike structure called the umbilical cord develops between the embryo and the placenta. It is the embryo’s lifeline which carry nutrients & oxygen from placenta to embryo and wastes from embryo to placenta.

    ·         During first 2 months of development, the major body systems and organs start to form in the embryo. [[ex. heart]]. By the end of 8 weeks, the embryo is an inch long & has recognizable external features such as eyes, ears, arms, legs. The head makes up 50 percent of the length of embryo.

    ·         From the third month until birth, the developing human is called a fetus.

    ð  3rd -6th  month = fetus move & kick [[skeleton + muscle developing]]

                            = sensitive to light & sound & alternate periods of activity with periods of sleep [[nervous system matures ]]

    ð  7th -9th month = fetus continues to grow & develop.

                            = the size of body increase and body fat accumulates.

                            = eyelids open & close

    ð  End of 9th month = fetus is ready to born


    Section 2 ~ A Healthy Pregnancy [[Page.492]]

    -          Getting proper nutrition and exercise and avoiding drugs and environmental hazards are especially important both before and throughout pregnancy.

    -          During pregnancy, woman needs to consume abt 300 more calories than usual.

    -          One vitamin that is especially important during pregnancy is folic acid, or folate.

    ·         It’s essential for proper development of an embryo’s neural tube, which later develops into the spinal cord and brain.

    ·         All women of childbearing age should consume at least 0.4 mg [[400 micrograms]] of folic acid every day.



    Important nutrients during pregnancy*


    Needed for

    Folic acid

    Formation of neural tube; brain and spinal cord development


    Muscle formation and growth


    Bone and tooth formation; nerve and muscle development


    Oxygen delivery by blood cells

    Vitamin A

    Cell and bone growth; eye development

    Vitamin B complex

    Nervous system development


    -          Regular physical activity is also important for healthy pregnancy.

    ·         It will reduce the risk for diabetes and other health problems.

    ·         Some forms of exercise should be avoided – for example, hourseback riding, where there is a high risk of falling.

    -          A pregnant woman should abstain from all alcohol, tobacco, and any other drugs not prescribed or approved by the doctor.

    ·         If she drinks alcohol, a baby might get fetal alcohol syndrome. [[the symptom include mental retardation, minor to severe heart defects, delayed growth]]

    ·         A pregnant woman also should talk to her doctor before using any over-the-counter [[OTC]] drugs, including pain medications, creams + lotions, vitamins. Or even before drinking herbal teas, coffee or other herbs.

    -          Pregnant women should take care to avoid exposure to these substances.

    ·         X-rays = the radiation can harm developing embryo or fetus.

    ·         Lead = main source is from lead-based paint present in older homes that built before 1978.

    ·         Mercury = from eating contaminated fish. Pregnant women should eat commercially caught fish only once a week &avoid eating shark or swordfish

    ·         Cat litter = cat feces can contain a parasite that is dangerous. Pregnant women should avoid contacting soiled cat litter or garden soil too.

    -          Besides taking care of herself at home, a woman also needs to plan for prenatal care, or medical care during her pregnancy.

    -          Her doctor visits should be under the supervision of obstetrician, a doctor specialized in pregnancy and childbirth.

    -          The chances of having a healthy baby greatly increase if the mother visits her doctor or clinic for regular checkups throughout pregnancy.

    -          A pregnancy is divided into three periods of time – trimesters – each of which is approximately three months long.

    ·         First trimester = record medical history and weight

        = note conditions that could affect the pregnancy

        = prescribe prenatal vitamins as needed

    ·         Second trimester = monitor heartbeat of fetus

    = measure growth of uterus

    = monitor for complications using ultrasound and other tools

    ·         Third trimester = check position and size of fetus           

          = check for warning signs of premature, or early, birth

          = continue to monitor for complications

          = discuss birth process

    -          Prenatal care gives a pregnant woman access to the latest medical care and technologies.

    ·         High-frequency sound waves, or ultrasound, are used in most pregnancies to create an image of the developing fetus during the 16th – 20th week.

    ð  Using ultrasound, we can check the gender of the fetus & examine if heart, muscles, bones r developing or even to confirm the position of fetus

    ·         Around the 8th week of pregnancy, some women will undergo a test called chorionic villus sampling or CVS.

    ð  To perform the test, doctor removes and tests a small piece of developing placenta; CVS can detect inherited disorders in embryo such as hemophilia or extra chromosomes, Down syndrome, etc.

    ·         Another test that may be done around the 14th – 16th week of pregnancy is amniocentesis. By removing a small amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus through needle, the doctor can test for a genetic disorder.

    -          For some of complications during pregnancy, timely treatment can reduce negative consequences or even save the life of women/fetus.

    ·         Ectopic pregnancy = the blastocyst implants in the fallopian tube or elsewhere in the abdomen, instead of in the uterus making it impossible for the fetus to develop.

    ð  Surgery and medicines are needed to remove the embryo.

    ·          The death of the embryo or fetus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called a miscarriage. It almost always occurs during the first trimesters.

    ð  It usually caused by serious genetic defect, illness / drug mother has taken

    ·         Also called toxemia, preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling of the wrists and ankles, and high level of protein in the urine.

    ð  It prevents the fetus from getting enough oxygen and can be treated with bed rest or medication.

    ·         Diabetes that develops in pregnant women is called gestational diabetes, and is marked by high blood sugar levels.

    ð  If untreated, it may cause the fetus to grow too big, increasing the risk of a difficult birth as well as breathing problems + obesity in newborn.


    Section 3 ~ Childbirth [[Page.498]]

    -          If pregnancy has gone well, a couple may choose to have the baby at home or at home-like setting with the help of a certified nurse-midwife.

    ·         A certified nurse-midwife is a nurse who is trained to deliver babies.

    -          The birth process begins when the muscular walls of the uterus begin a series of contractions that will push the fetus out of the mother.

    -          Birth takes place in three stages – labor, delivery of the baby, and delivery of the afterbirth.

    1. Labor :: The work performed by the mother’s baby to push the fetus out if called labor. It may last from about 2 to 24 hours or longer. During this stage, strong contractions of the muscles of the uterus [[which lasts from 30-90 sec.]] cause the cervix increase in width, or dilate. Near the end of labor, amniotic sac breaks.
    2. Delivery of baby :: it can take from half an hour to more than 2 hours. Contractions of the uterus continue & the baby is pushed out, usually the head first, through the cervix and vagina. Once the baby is out, the doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord, remove mucus from nose and mouth to make breathing easier, put eye drops in baby’s eyes to prevent infection, inject vitamin K to prevent excessive bleeding and prick the baby’s heel for blood sample.
    3. Delivery of afterbirth :: involves contractions of the uterus that push out the placenta and umbilical cord, also called the afterbirth. It lasts from 15- 30 min.

    -          After the birth, a period of adjustment for parents and their newborn begins. During the first 6th weeks, called postpartum period, many changes take place.

    ·         For babies, they start to live on their own.

    ·         For mothers, the hormones levels changes, signaling the breasts to produce milk or even cause the mothers to feel overwhelmed/sad in the period of ‘baby blues’. She may need to be treated with postpartum depression if baby blues last too long.

    -          Some complications result in a surgical delivery or premature birth. Low birthweight and the birth of more than one baby also may cause complications

    ·         In the circumstances that delivery through the cervix & vagina is not possible cuz position of fetus or narrowness of mother’s hip, the obstetrician will perform a cesarean section, which is a surgical method of birth.

    ð  It takes abt 1 hour to complete; first the doctor makes an incision in the lower abdomen into the uterus, then removes the baby and placenta.

    ·         Delivery of a live baby before the 37th week of pregnancy is called premature birth. The earlier the birth, the more problems the baby tends to have because their organs are not fully developed.

    ð  A premature birth baby may receive care in an incubator, a chamber designed to protect the baby until it has developed more.

    ·         A newborn that weight less than 5.5 pounds at birth is considered to have low birthweight. It is caused by the mother who smoke and is an alcoholic

    ð  Premature & low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of health problems as newborns, chronic lifelong health problems, and even death.

    -          The delivery of more than one baby – for example, twins, triplets, or quadruplets, is called a multiple birth.

    ·         Identical twins = twins that develop from a single fertilized egg, or zygote. Because they develop from identical embryos, they have the same inherited traits & are same sex.

    ·         Fraternal twins = two eggs are released from the ovary and are fertilized by two sperm. Fraternal twins are no more alike than any other siblings, and may or may not be same sex.

    ·         Triplets or more = less common than twins ,, 2 eggs and more than 2 sperms



    Section 4 ~ Childhood [[Page.506]]

    -          From birth to age six, children change from helpless babies into confident individuals who can do many things for themselves.

    -          Birth to 18th month = can nurse, cry, and direct its gaze right at us. They learn how to sit, crawl, stand, or walk and their bones are still soft & flexible. Also, they recognizes its parents & siblings, cries to get what it needs, responds to attention with smiles =]

    -          18th months to 3 years = learn to talk, lose their babylike appearances, physical coordination improves, gain abilities to do things for themselves [[like show off around family]], and play alongside with other toddlers but not with each other. With encouragements from caregivers, their confidence grows.

    ·         Hand to mouth behavior occur during this age too > <

    -          3 – 6 years = more independent and active. Muscle grow, energy is high; they start to ask questions, learn to play together + make friends + how to behave in a group and start to develop a sense of right and wrong.

    -          Physical growth, mastering new skills, and making friends are key areas to development during middle and late childhood [[6 – 12 years]]

    ·         Late childhood is also called pre-adolescence or the tween year.

    -          Physical growth :: around 6 or 7, child’s facial structure changes, muscles and bones continue to grow, and coordination develops further. During 9 – 12, their bones grow faster, and their appetite increases.

    -          Mental development ::  children learn high-level thinking skills, feel pride in accomplishing tasks, attempting new challenges. Self-centeredness of early childhood lessens, they continue to learn values + taking responsibilities at home

    -          Importance of friend :: occur at about age 10. It helps children to learn to work well in group situations and help them when they have problems.

    -          Additional things from sir edgar ::

    ·         13 – 21 years = critical [[dangerous]] age which undergoes experiments a lot



    Ps. sry for making it too long na ,,

    Cuz I don’t know how is sir edgar’s test going to be like,

    so I cant guess what to type [[like what I always do in other RS -___-]]

    mun tong memorize all ar rao lei type yer mak 555


    good luck in the FIRST HEALTH TEST J ja *

    ทำรีวิวจนเลือดสาดกันเลยทีเดียว ..
    2 อย่างในหนึ่งวัน Y___Y



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