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    For all=EIS=12 GraderS*11-12

    ลำดับตอนที่ #19 : [[R.S.]]Business Management::Chapter.14::14.3.12

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 13 มี.ค. 55

    Review Sheet of Business Management

    Chapter 14 Test :: 14.Mar.12


    Chapter.14 :: Understanding Work Groups [[Page.320]]

    14-1 How Groups Behave [[Page 322]]

    -        All organizations depend on groups to achieve success. In organizations, a group is two or more people who interact to meet a shared goal.

    -        Organizations contain two kinds of groups: formal work groups and informal work group.

    -        Management establishes formal work groups to carry out specific tasks.

    ·       Formal groups may exist for a short or long period of time.

    ·       One example of a formal group is a task force (which has a single goal).

    ·       A different type of formal work group is the command or functional group. This group consists of a manager and all employees s/he supervises. Its work is ongoing and not confined to one issue/product.

    -        Informal work groups are formed voluntarily by members of an organization.

    ·       They develop from personal contacts and interactions among people.

    ·       A special type of informal group is the interest group. Its members share a purpose or concern.

    ·       Informal groups formed around mutual interests fill important social needs.

    ·       Informal work groups affect productivity, the morale of other employees, and the success of managers.

    ·       They often develop in areas where employees are close together and among employees in the same field.

    ·       The 1924 Hawthorne studies discovered that groups may set their own productivity levels and pressure workers to meet them. The studies conclude that informal organizations with their own social systems exist within formal organizations.

    ·       Management does not recognize informal groups that revolve around friendships, interests, or shared working space and tasks. Employees join informal groups to meet a social need.

    -        Group norms are the informal rules a group adopts to regulate the behavior of group members. Whatever the norms, group members are expected to hold to them.

    ·       Norms don’t govern every action in a group, only those important for group survival. They may not be written down or even spoken but rather group members use their actions to show new members how to behave.

    -        Informal work groups share similar types of behavior which include cohesiveness, conformity, and groupthink.

    ·       Group cohesiveness is the degree of attraction among group members or how tightly knit a group is.

    ð  The more cohesive a group, the more likely members are to follow group norms.

    ð  A number of factors affect the cohesiveness of informal work groups –

    ~ Size: The smaller the group, the more cohesive it’s likely to be.

    ~ Success and status: the more success a group experiences, the more cohesive it becomes. High status groups tend to be more cohesive too.

    ~ Outside pressures: it can increase group cohesiveness

    ~ Stable membership and easy lines of communication: they improve group cohesiveness.

    ~ Physical isolation from other employees: may increase group cohesiveness

    ·       Group conformity is the degree to which group members accept and follow group norms. A group generally seeks to control members’ behavior for 2 reasons:

    1.     Independent behavior can cause disagreements

    2.     Consistent behavior creates an atmosphere of trust

    ð  A study of group conformity at textile firm in Virginia found that an employee who produced more than group norm is pressured by other workers. That employee’s production rate was then dropped due to group pressure.

    ·       When group members lose their ability to think as individuals and conform at the expense of their good judgment, groupthink occurs.

    ð  Members become unwilling to say anything against the group or any member, even if an action is wrong.


    14-2 Managing Formal Groups [[Page 330]]

    -        Formal work groups have more knowledge and information than individuals.

    -        The Hawthrone effect states that giving special attention to a group of employees changes the employees’ behavior. The results of the studies show that when groups of employees are singled out for attention, they tend to work more efficiently.

    -        Formal groups rarely share sense of values and group loyalty because they are assigned to them rather than voluntary.

    -        The linking-pin concept holds the responsible of developing shared values and group loyalty in formal groups because managers are members of overlapping groups, they link formal work groups to the total organization. Managers themselves are linking pins.

    -        Team building is the process of establishing a cohesive group that works together to achieve its goals.

    ·       Successful organizations and groups both meet their goals by using their resources well.

    ·       Managers encourage teamwork by selecting group members carefully, creating a positive work environment, building trust, and increasing group cohesiveness.

    ð  Selecting the right individuals is key to the success of a group. Increasing pay, offering some satisfaction, and good environment can encourage employees to join formal group.

    ð  Without trust, groups can’t set or stick production norms.

    ð  Formal groups must be cohesive and dedicated to high performance norms in order to succeed. The idiosyncrasy credit occurs when individuals who have played a significant role in a group are allowed some freedom within a group. They often helped develop group’s norms.

    ð  A quality circle is a group of employees from a single work unit who share ideas on how to improve quality. Its goal is to involve employees in decision making because ‘me’ becomes ‘us’ in a good quality circle.

    -        When an informal group selects a leader, members choose the person most capable of satisfying the group’s needs. The leader needs strong communication skills, especially in setting objectives for the group, giving directions, and summarizing information.

    ·       Managers assigned to formal work groups must work to gain acceptance as leaders because formal authority granted by top management is no guarantee that a manager will effectively guide a group.

    ·       As part of a team, managers encourage participation and shared responsibility, acting more like a coach than a manager.

    ·       One way of encouraging team spirit is to provide the group with a vision.

    ·       Managers lead by example; their attitude & performance become standard for group norms.





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