

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    For all=EIS=10 GraderS*09-10

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : From MeMian (:

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 723
      15 ส.ค. 52

    Wowwww ~
    This is the third time that i say 'Waddee' to u guys in my dek-d review sheets

    i know u feel bored of reading these things again n' again
    but i wanna remind
    .. just in case someone forgot 5555

    "Each time i type my review sheets
    i expect nothing
    except for COMMENTS from u guys"

    so please ..
    sumtimes my life is bloody busy
    with all my work combine with review sheets thingy

    'one comment saying THANK YOU each time u get my rs
    shouldn't be too much T^T'


    n' these are all abbreviations & symbols in my review sheet

    1. [[R.S.]] = Review Sheet
    ex. [[R.S.]] AP Bio. Quiz::Chapter 1::7.8.09
    means that Review Sheet
    for AP Bio. Quiz
    abt Chapter 1
    the date of that Quiz is on 7th August 2009

    2. [[R.M.D.]] = Reminder
    ex. [[R.M.D.]] Eng. Project::7.8.09
    means that Reminder
    for Eng. Project
    that must be submited on 7th August 2009
    *mayb sumtimes i'll put the detail of that work/project too*

    3. [[O.T.s]] = Others
    in this category i'll put some other things =)


    i always say that
    'i might have lots of work to do and might not be able to finish every rs
    so please forgive me
    ' sth like that
    well , i think u all know now

    sometimes my rs will be put here quite late
    due to my lots of work and speed of my skill in typing & summarizing things

    I'm sorry for making some rs too long
    too short
    too hard
    too easy
    too much mistakes/misunderstanding
    or watever

    just don't depend on MeMian's Review Sheets too much okay ^^ ??
    like wat Ma'am Esther said
    eventhough u read my rs but if u don't read books on ur own first ,, it won't work~

    THNXQ for wasting ur precious time to read my nonsense things till this line

    hope u understand me n' my review sheets

    GOODLUCK in Sophomore year guys ^[]^ !!

    Ps. my review sheet theme in dek-d this year is so DOTDOT , isn't it ?? 55

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