

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    [ENG] The Curse of Laura

    ลำดับตอนที่ #57 : TCL2: What's Wrong With Me?

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 716
      20 พ.ย. 55




    “Another bad dream?” asked Amelia who was sitting quietly by my bed after I woke up from fright in the middle of the night.


    I nodded to answer as I slowly sat up in bed and considered the long almost-healed scar on my arm. 




    There must be something wrong with it.




    This was the second night that I saw Lucas and his dagger trying to kill me in my dream. Not only had the bad dream woke me but the sharp pain from the scar too did as well.


    I looked around the room and found no one but Amelia. “Where is Patrick?”


    “You should have asked about your dad instead,” responded my dad as he walked out of the bathroom. His eyes obviously showed how much he had been working these days. Underneath that exhausted shell, I saw how much he loved and cared about me.


    “Come on. I know you have been busy these days so I thought you stayed at the office just like yesterday,” I hoped that sounded good enough this time and gave my dad a big tight hug. “I missed you dad.”


    My dad rubbed my head lovingly. “I missed you too, sweetie,” he let go off me and caressed my hands. “How is your arm?”




    Right when our fingers touched, my dad slowly faded away from my sight. Everything in this room was replaced by another scene, from where, I didn’t know.








    A clock chimed eleven times telling me that it was eleven o’clock.




    It was my living room at Home.




    Even though I knew it was my home, it didn’t look like my home at all. All of the furniture, wallpaper, and the carpet, where gone.




    I looked out the window everything was white outside. I rubbed my arms as the ember covered log slowly burned in the fireplace giving off pleasant warmth, as I began to explore. This place was decorated in a vintage style. Floral pattern on the wall, tired-aside velvet brown curtains, and luxury golden frames were hung on the wall all over the place.


    There were a few frames set over the hearth. Those frames all showed similar picture:  young male twins and a man who I supposed was their father.


    For some reason, these people looked familiar to me.




    Before I could realize where I was, I started to hear the echo of footsteps getting closer informing me that someone was coming.




    Good. At least I could ask where I was.




    The tall man I had seen in the picture with his shirtsleeves pushed up was walking in. Some small grey hairs colored his hazel hair, but that didn’t make him look any less charming.


    “Hello sir,” I greeted him with my nicest smile, hopefully he wouldn’t think I was trespassing. “Sorry that I have appeared like this but-“


    “Boys! Where are you?” he raised his voice and walked through me as if he couldn’t see me.


    What was happening to me?




    A little boy ran to his father. He was probably ten years old. His hazel hair was messy but that didn’t make him look any less charming. His brown eyes were showing that he was obviously satisfied by something.


    “I’m here, dad,” he said.


    “Where is your brother?” asked the dad.


    “He’s coming. I guess.”


    I wasn’t sure if he was smirking or just smiling in a good mood.




    The front door was swung opened by the other boy who was staggering forward, shivering. He was soaked as if he had been drowning in a pool somewhere. Drop by drop water kept falling from his hair and cloth as his blue lips were shaking non-stop.


    “Oh my god!” the father ran to his poor son, took of his wet sweater, covered him up with his jacket and took him in front of the fireplace to warm him up. “What happened to you, James?”


    His name really got my attention. James?


    When he was sure that his son wasn’t going to give him an answer, he turned to his other son, “What happened, Jeff?”


    “We were playing catch and he accidentally broke the ice and fell into the pool.”


    “Is it true, James?”


    James avoided his father’s eyes and finally mumbled something.


    “What? Say it louder, James.”


    “He pushed me…”




    “He pushed me into the pool, dad,” James said and looked away from his brother who was glaring at him like he wanted to punch him for his loose-tongue.


    I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew that this Jeff kid was evil.


    The scene became distorted along with a chatting sound that started to appear.


    The conversations behind my back were replaced by silence as soon as a candle on a cake was lit, at that very moment someone started to sing.




    Happy birthday to you,

    Squashed tomatoes and stew.




    I turned around to see who was singing. I swore that I had heard that song on my last birthday.


    It was the man, father of the twins I saw earlier. Even though some more grey hair and wrinkles started to appear, he still charming.




    Bread and water in the gutter.

    Happy birthday to you.




    The male twins, who were standing in front of their yummy cake, were not just little kids anymore. They had grown up becoming handsome men. The 17-candle could really tell how old they turning to be today.


    The male twin’s; one happy, one annoyed both blew the candle together.


    All the guests in their best outfit, made me feel awkward as I was standing in the patient gown.


    “Happy birthday, my sons,” said the father and slowly pulled out two jewelry boxes. “Seventeenth is just the beginning, my sons.”


    He turned to the cheerful son and handed one case to him. His son curiously took it, wondering what was inside the case. “James, I wish the brave will find you. Whatever will happen from now on, this thing can protect you.”


    “Thank you, dad,” James said.




    The father turned to his other son; Jeff, I supposed. Although he and James identical, they were still different. A fresh small cut right on his left eyebrow and faded bruises on his face definitely showed how many fights he had been through.


    “Jeff, I wish you find the right track for yourself. And yes, this thing will keep you safe.”


    Jeff rolled his eyes and tediously took the case from his father. “Thanks, dad.”


    “Open it.”


    His sons gradually opened the jewelry case. The thing that was inside those small boxes made me holds my breath.


    Laura’s charm.



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