

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : Premise and Synopsis

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 390
      13 ม.ค. 53


    Being famous is not the same as being a true hero.


    Act one:
     Hercules is the infant son of Zeus and Hera, was born on Mount Olympus. On the celebration of his birth, during which the Olympian gods present the infant god with a multitude of gifts, Zeus himself creates the winged-horse Pegasus as a gift. It seems to be a joyous occasion, although one god is not happy about the new arrival: Hercules's evil immorality uncle Hades, lord of the Underworld, who has learned from the fates that only this boy could thwart his plan to take over Mount Olympus.  Thus, Hercules is kidnapped and brought to earth.  Hades’ intention is to turn Hercules into a mortal and kill him, but fortunately for the story, though he strips young Herc of his immortality, he fails to take away his legendary strength. He is incited in to a half-god, half-mortal.

    Act two:
    Hercules grows up to learn his identity, a strong but clumsy teenage boy.  He desperately wants to fit in, but as he cannot control his godly strength he only ends up causing havoc and alienating those around him. On one occasion, he accidentally flattens the local market town during a game of discus. His foster parents decide to finally come clean to him about the circumstances of his adoption, showing him a medallion they find that bears the symbol of the gods.  Though, and the fact that if he wants to return to his state as a god and his real family on Olympus, he must prove himself a real hero.  That won’t be easy, even with his remarkable physical abilities.  Fortunately, he finds allies in the winged stallion Pegasus and a satyr named Phil who happens to be in the business of training heroes.  Phil too, is looking for a chance to redeem himself from past failures, including the training of Achilles.

    Act three:
    But Hercules soon learns than being a hero is more than being strong, good, and victorious in battle.  And when it comes down to the final, spectacular battle with monsters, though it is his self-denial to rescue his adore Megara that creates him a Loyal Favorite.  Herc finally learns that being a hero is something anyone can achieve, regardless of strength or stamina.  Indeed, it’s not the size of the person, but the size of the heart.  However, he then travels to Hades to rescue Megara's spirit; he can help her and regains his godhood. He is invited by Zeus to live in Olympus, but he decides rather to live his life on earth as a mortal with Megara. Although he will eventually die, he believes that even an immortal life without Megara would be empty.


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