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    Boy Of Night

    ลำดับตอนที่ #26 : Two of us

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 39
      1 พ.ค. 59

    Boy Of Night26

    -Two of us-



    I'm washing my hands in sink after my chocolate hearts had done. This was third time for me to made chocolate for someone; first for my parents anniversary, second for my close friend name's Linda and she had been sick so long in cancer before she's gone. And I always sad in a few year cause feel like I couldn't help much about her sick and no one could safe her too, but now I thought she become an angel on heaven in an arms of God. I still pray for her. And this time for one was Wesley, I made the chocolate heart for him after the birthday last night of him I hadn't had a present then now, I got one and will be to give it for him.

    My present looked good, I think a heart red box with gold ribbon made my present perfect for a special time. I got out the kitchen room with heart box in my hand and go to my bedroom for prepare myself. An half hour later, I'm ready to go and not forget to sending my message to Wesley tell him I almost come.

    Briana's car fast driving through the way, but so much careful of Sandra. She always watch out and not faster than ever. Sandra got out of the car after she's arrival Wesley's house, she knocking the door and waiting. Minutes later, she still waited before decided to call Wesley and when Aimé picked it up instead of him and told her about where's he now? Sandra feel weak and a little hurting before keep her phone and got in car for drive to hospital as fast as she can.

    I hope in every minute he will be alright. Oh my god! How could I do? Wesley got a cancer in his skin? And now he was in hospital, I couldn't control myself to thinking about that maybe I so much afraid of it. It is worse? How much he'd been hurt? In an hour later, I'm in a hospital and after I called Aimé I will known he was in a waiting room and he told me about Wesley. Last night, after Wesley's birthday in midnight Wesley screamed so loud he hurting his skin and it's rash, red, and flayed. When I heard that I tried to be strong not to shed a tears. Before I told Aimé if have anything I can help, don't hesitate just tell me I will do it. And Aimé promise.

    Toward, we will waiting to the Dr.Robert who's in the room inside with Wesley and nurses, they're tried to help him for almost 2 hour ago, to feel better that what Aimé told me. And all I could do now just waiting. Waiting for him, for hope, for a better time, and for the pain will took away from him.


    Please, God don't let's him hurt. Please take the pain away and let's him with me.” I prayed.

    In the day changing as fast as I can't even catch, like a for the best day to the bad day. Then I don't know how could I accepted, on my mind feel very happy yesterday, but today was different and I sat on chair with my present in my hand I looked at it. My heart red box I need to give it for him. But now he's not in the way that could get my present. Not now.




    King and Queen stayed on the bed together they didn't move to anywhere ever since the light king Aiken told queen Charlotte the true about him who he really was. And he stayed with her because he needn't leave her and he couldn't say so that he wasn't really in love with her. His feeling about her was she's true love that he had hundred year still to find her then now is end, she will be his queen, and now his lover, the one he could die for. She was on his arm and now she kiss his forehead.


    What are you thinking?” she asked.


    You.” he answered.


    What?” she still want to know. And Aiken hold her near him before kiss her softer, his hand feeling her body on left side of her waist before high up, but the queen stopped him. She's looking to him instead.


    Okay, I'm thinking about you for us.” he told her. The dark queen already knew what was he had said and she didn't say anything and will not need to talk about this. Because she knew their choice had never come, to find a way like a blind person missed the ticket or maybe break up is the most thing they should do. Then Aiken break this silence.


    I believe in something that happened between us, could you see? We can be together, this is so much clear about us. You and me can change it and maybe we might manage day and night time.” queen Charlotte could feel how much excited in his voice after he made noise.


    It's not only us.” said the queen of dark.

    Before she turned away cause she exactly know about an other of them, the darker and the lighter will be harder to make their mind accept or it'll never be. Aiken's king stop breathing when he heard of her, but then he turned to windows of the room and said “They are coming, nearly now. It's too late.” he stood up and stream to the windows, slowing drawn the thick curtains to see outside, queen Charlotte near behind him with seeing through the windows.


    What did you meaning and who's come?” she was wondered.


    my lighters come. I'm sorry.” he turned to her and the dark queen staring his eyes.



    This was hard time for feeling with crazy emotion happening on darker mind ever, everything turned to complicated, situation changed to chaotic, every of darker stayed in hall waiting for their queen and some of them; mainly the darker guard stayed outside the dark castle confront the lighters who's come to their land now. Hundred of lighter came around to the dark castle for find their king who's now live in this castle. Only the sign of coming of lighter had made all the darker anxiety as much and even more when all of lighter said to the them that they didn't need to fight in this time, they come to find their king. That find their king in here.

    Jen the darker girl who's closely to the queen much more than any darker one, come to the queen's room for notify her of lighter come and let her know their aim. Jen almost couldn't wait for what she really need to know, she need to know about the light king had been there like as lighters told or not? And if he live here where is him? with her queen? No this is can't be possible. Then Jen stand in front of queen's room before she knock, the door was opened now. The dark queen stepping out and she alone, Jen tried to look in her queen's room for check it, but she couldn't see anything new add in room more then it ever had, this room was normally. Queen Charlotte staring to her before said “I knew.” Jen keep down her head to the queen.


    Yes, my queen.” Jen said and according behind her queen.


    The dark queen come out of castle and see the visitors of light waiting outside and when she faced with them, one of lighter said to her. “Your, honest queen. We come to find our king and we won't to fight or harm at all. Just give us for what we need.” the dark queen looked up to those one. “You will get for what you asked for, but not in this place.” said the queen.


    But, we knew our king stayed here.” he told.


    and I'm not reject.” the dark queen said, and Jen with all the darker who's around here couldn't believable for what they just heard from their queen. This meant the king of light stayed here like any lighters told before, but they the darkers didn't know.

    Afterward, all of the lighter come back off the dark castle, the darkers who's looked up to their queen will need to know about this, why the light king could stayed in their land without any of them knowing? But queen Charlotte tell nothing seem like she need to be alone and not ready to meet up everything now.

    Queen Charlotte stayed in her room again. She thinking about Aiken, his lighter and her darker and she knew her power still less not too full like it had been before now she can holding on her less powerful, but not so long. She must find a way to full her power up for survival of darkers before the time come when it too late, she will lost some of night time, like she lose it before and that not could happened again. The king of dark will be the good way to full power as fast. If she can find the king and then she thinking of Aiken, this is stupid how could he become her king? No, he's light king and used to be the enemy.




    After, Aiken came back to his house with in a minute an hundred of the lighter came in and they're happy when they saw their king sat on the throne. Aiken looking up at hundred of the lighter and said “Why all of you did that?” asked the king.


    We need you, my king.” said the one of the lighter.


    and we didn't think that the queen of dark could be our queen.” said Adora the lighter's girl. Aiken looked down to her with an cool eyes.


    You don't know.” he said with lower voice before he chin up his face and staring at the lighter.


    Now, I have announce for all of you. If who had negative feeling about my relationship with queen Charlotte the one who's I thought for sure she's my light queen. Just appear yourself and give me what a hard for you?” asked the king. Not of them the lighter show themselves after minute later, the lighter one come up in the right point to stand of everyone could see and he said “Dear, my king. I'm not need to against your feeling, but recognized. So one thing that I'm blind now with didn't see how this could be happen? Will she leaved her throne or everything to become your queen of light? And all of darker could accept? And you always know about all of us never want to lose you for whoever.” after this question Aiken's king nodded at him for once.


    Your question need to find a key of her mind and I will try to do that. We have a lot of the way, but we need the best way to go.” answered the king.

    Then no one of the lighter had any other question, and Aiken leaving, now he stayed in his room in the land of light because his lighters who's now need the king to be here for support the power of them go stronger. And this is clear for the the light king about him and Charlotte that two of them had a big responsibility to take care of the lighter and the darker. No one couldn't leaved and they must still in their position either if they have better choice to live with together.




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